I was pretty pleased with yesterday, we gave them a game, more of a game than we gave them last time. They had fewer chances this week and we had more chances of our own, and more of the ball to. When we had the ball we were looking to pass it and make use of the space, and very rarely did we get over-run at the back, I thought all 6 midfielders played excellently, you guys really aren't making my life any easier. Plus Dave Frew, thrown straight in at the deep end and played a blinder, kept Blackford quiet right through the game, even kicked him and pushed him around a bit as well for a bit of a laugh. I've credited Frew with our first goal too, as I reckon he got something on it (the keeper's head). I don't think Nigel was as busy as he was expecting to be, which is excellent really considering the unfamiliar defence he had in front of him, and I think if we play like that again in the cup match we can squeeze some of their goals out and maybe make it a very interesting game indeed.
As for the I'm gonna kill you thing, I thought it was directed at Paul Curtis? If not we should really get in touch and tell him to take Paul instead, as he's had more time to enjoy his life, he's had a pretty good innings, whereas Dave still has it all ahead of him. Plus if he does Paul then we can try and get him off on grounds of a euthanasia 'mercy-killing'.
Well done yesterday for the radio thing and John thank Cat for doing her bit, she did a good job there. I heard Nemone say that "Shefford FC have shot into the lead, they're obviously not playing today..." I thought she must have been watching. She must have been talking about the time when Matt fell over on holiday and some girls found him in the bushes and used his phone to call Dave and Tony to come and find him. Nice one.
Dunno whether we came top or not (think we did) but the bottom team are now out and gone. Just checked the web page and it mentions doing squat thrusts on the radio!?!?!?! If it gets too damn stupid then we'll just pull out, I'm not making an arse out of myself just for some radio show. A wig, a goatee and naked dancing is just about as far as I'm prepared to go.