Morning, How are we all?
Sounds like you all did well on Sunday, but we're just unlucky? I've been hearing rave reviews about the defense, with the Dave making his first appearance and the two old boys playing at left and right back. What was the midfield? Ad on the left, Lamb on the right and Dave and Sills in the middle?? On the score sheet Sillsy - nice one.
Theres not much on the Radio 1 site? But I s'pose it's early into the compo so the further you get the more detail it goe's into. I didn't hear it on the radio, how did it sound? I don't understand how they intend to do keepy ups etc on the radio....?
I apologise for not attending on Sunday - and would like to point out I had a valid excuse, certainly didn't bottle it!!! Doesn't sound like I was needed anyway.
Partick next week, decent side, should be a good game. You can try and re-create the overhead you produced against them last time we played them Paul....