Monday, October 13, 2003
I think one thing we've achieved (more for the longer serving players) over the two games v Cold Ash is to remove the perception of them that we'd allowed to develop. We're no longer afraid of them as a dirty team, a mouthy team or a brilliant team. We lost 4-2 and 5-2, those are not bad scorelines considering they're hoping to win this division this season and we only got promoted last season. And if you think of the performances, particularly yesterday, they were a long way away from being all over us. So that shows how far we've come from 2 seasons ago when they beat us 10-0 and everyone would have rather been playing dominoes with their grannies than be out on the pitch. Obviously Matt bottled it this time but if we all look after him I reckon he can be a bit more courageous for the cup match.