Tuesday, September 02, 2003

That Cat suit I brought was rubbish, I collected Mandy from her mums and rushed home. Dragged her upstairs and handed her her present. The look on her face told me she was ready to go, (it was only later I found out that, that look was to get the fuck out of the room) With the intense inside me building up I ripped open the packet and pulled the cat suit out. You could imagine my pain and Mandy's relief when all that come out was a rubber tail you cant clip on anything and the marsk of zorrow!!!!! I frantically looked all over the bedroom in the hope that the actual cat suit had somehow slipped out but no such luck. Mandy burst into laughter and with me in tears she says "there there don't worry" and turned on the antiques roadshow. Next year I think I will stick to the nurses outfit.