Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Okay Dokey... I'll get Adam on the case, he's always full of daft ideas. Not to sure about the monkey one, would be funny but we'll probably end up getting arrested for racial abuse or something.... (Mind you, we could do it then stop without telling Tony, then all the evidence will point to him, cool, nice one Shane). I have told you I spent the first 13 years of my football career as a centre back haven’t I?

I didn’t realise Neil would be so keen to participate in all the running exercises, nice one mate.

I'll take your word for it Mr Taylor, having never met you I wouldn't like to set a challenge. I’m sure if you go to the support link on the original blogger page there’ll tell you what to do when you access the wrong blog page.

Oh… And if we looked extremely pis*ed on the TV, it’s just a bad reception.