For the benefit of Sillsy.
Shefford FC in Blackpool 2008
Screw, Miller, Miller and Macca arrived first, checked into their rooms and settled in Wetherspoons. Matt, Ads, Lewy and Tony arrived next, minutes before Browny, Smurf, Crabbeman and Shane. All met in Wetherspoons for some drinks and food. Browny ordered a cheeseburger and ate half of it before finding the hairs. So many hairs. Browny got his money back. More beers in other pubs, rancid pubs with smells in toilets that could make you spew. Then back to the B&B for games of killer, more lager, more food and Ben and Gareth turning up, before heading out to empty pubs and bars in a very tired looking Blackpool. Someone nicked a pound off a tramp. Eventually other people started turning up and the rest of the night was excellent. Chris Miller was sick into a pint glass and then staggered home. Browny offered £2000 to drink the contents of the pint glass. No takers. A few harsh words spoken between some drunk Welsh lads and our lads and a retarded Man City fan and Ben. No punches traded. Fake slice of lemon shenanigans from Smurf. Kebab and taxi back. Matt, Lewy, Ads, Tony and Crabbeman asked to move on by the police from a roundabout where they were sat eating a McDonalds. Cute policewomen by all accounts, got fed up and just drove off rather than seeing their mission through. Matt offered a doughnut to a tramp who seemed to take offence at this. Andy Miller found Chris Miller curled up on the floor of the shower, shower on, vomit trickling down the plug hole.
Morning brought heat and humidity to every room. Miller sick again. Breakfast decent. Weather superb. Screw had to hold on on The Big One, Macca made it round with hands aloft throughout. Big One seemed more violent than previous years, lots of jerky lateral movement. New ride called "Infusion" which was very good. Got told off on Valhalla via loudspeaker "Lads can you put your shirts back on while on the ride". I did a "Who's Line Is It Anyway" remeniscent skit with Smurf in the queue for the Big Dipper by inserting my arms underneath him and being his hands, had to stop when some Koreans walked past and, uncontrolled by him, Smurf appeared to be pulling a "slanty-eyed" expression at them (still makes me laugh now thinking about it.)
Crazy golf tournament on the way back won by Ads. Tony and Ben most sunburnt. Gurkha buffet curry for tea. Bars, clubs, lots of people in fancy dress, some of them poledancing, some bird slapped some guy, rubbish gentleman's club, kebab, taxi, breakfast, home.
Simple as that.