It's that fine line between being fair and wanting to win.
My view was always that it's only sunday league footy and I didn't really want to be responsible for anyone feeling that they weren't as good as someone else.
Plus I was lucky and rarely ever had to drop anyone for playing badly, but so far this season even though it's been a bloody good start, we've had some frighteningly bad performances here and there.
As Ad said last night, it's a psychological thing. Everybody is fit enough, I think that when we had our 3 really good seasons (getting promoted then finishing 4th in Div 1 twice in a row) it was cos we rode the crest of a wave finding out how good we could actually be. Now we think we are good it's harder to motivate.
The real secret to this, I believe, is discipline. And maybe some less merciful squad selection until performances improve.
I'll see what Smurf thinks. He's already mooted his squad for Sunday by me and I agree with his thinking...