Ah them was the days. Somehow Newquay never really matched up to Blackpool in my opinion, but we couldn't keep going back to the same place(s) again each year. I do miss Cody, but being realistic the way she was becoming more and more jaded each year it's probably best that we don't go back there. Find some haggered old dear with hairy legs and fake tits that have given up pretending. Better to leave on a high (two years before our last trip would have done it).
Must have a good think about the next trip. I'm sure a while back I came up with an idea that I thought was genius, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. Useful.
I know we briefly considered Newcastle, but it's a hell of a long way to get there and the flights just don't work out as cheap as they try to look.
Suggestions on a blog post...