Monday, June 12, 2006

I'd pop over but it means having to either crash over and go into work on Friday morning (bad option) or drive home (worse option altogether). If you boys lived somewhere decent, like, er, Highclere, then that'd be better. I'll take a look at some property sites for you.

Semi-disaster strikes for me as well on Friday. Got a meeting in the afternoon that I can't get out of, meaning I'll not be coming down in the coolsmobile with Browny and Sillsy. Leaves me with the choice of either driving down late Friday night and meeting up with a whole load of pissed up ninjas - or leaving it and driving down early on the Saturday morning and meeting up with a load hungover ninjas all explaining that they're still pissed and didn't get to sleep til 7am cos Smurf shagged a goat or something.

Considering that I can then go all out on Saturday, I think I might go for option B. Means missing the Friday night which is obviously not ideal, but looking at the bigger picture an early Saturday start might be better.

(Smurfy obviously I'll still pay my bit for the Friday night room and stuff, I'm not after any rebates...)