Monday, November 21, 2005
Firstly Shaner, i don't think i could cope with too many heavy nights out before a game again like that!!!! Still feeling the effects today!!!. But i've gone from Green to a pale shade of white now. Post office next week should be a good one, Sillsy they play 3-5-2 though so you'll have loads of space when you get beyond him....sorry thats as long as you dont pass the ball to them, thanks for that by the way. 3 of them against little me and Ash. Kept expecing the horses of apocolapys to sound as well. We all did well, dropped a little to the end plus don't forget you had me playing centre back, Tony is back next week much to Hilly's relief. I've never seen a centre back shake with fear when someone says we'll play the offside trap!!!!