I like pork pies, so a move out that way may suit me down to the ground. Sillsy's also half way there, he'd just have to dye all those hairs blonde....
I've spoken to Lewis, his old mans finding out today and will let him know tonight, so he'll/I'll pass on the info later. He thinks it's more likely to start next week as the 1st week in October was the date he asked it to start originally.
Either way I think we should train tomorrow, Henwicks a good idea, it used to be ok up there and will be fine for a one off.
Newthatch will be a good test. I've no idea what there like, and as far as I know, I don't know anyone that plays for them. Obviously they won the league last year, but we're still better, because we won that league and got to the cup final.... So there.
Alan's doing well. He's got a ride today - 2.10pm at Ayr.
I'm off to the Mad Stad tonight; Reading V's Luton, Milk cup second round.