How the hell is 60% gay "happy and well adjusted hetro"? Surely 0% gay would be hetro, any positive move in % is a step towards evenings at the Blue Oyster Bar and a dip in Barrymore's pool?
I don't get it myself, I don't wash my face with soap or a cleansing solution and I wouldn't want to be either a cat or a dog. I think the fact that I took the test in the first place was enough to give me 30% gayness.
Did you know you can get 45/1 for Pires first to score and Arsenal to win 1-0? I don't know what the odds are if you picked Ljungberg but I know that it adds a staggering 80% onto your gayness...
I'm feeling gnarly today. Got 3 weeks in Oz booked in October so am gonna take Julie for a weekend to North Devon over the summer so she can have a surfing lesson too. Then I guess it's time to contact Red Bull for sponsorhip - I don't go out unless the waves are 3.5ft