I know its been a while since the match but I've been in Cardiff on a course, so couldnt get on the blogger, but Im still pretty pissed off about Sunday. Mostly think what people are saying is right, but I'll admit to not being happy that people are saying there were no options and that we 'had to twat it upfield' because of it. I worked fucking hard on sunday and ran my arse off getting into positions, then screaming for the ball and not getting it. Im not saying I had a great game etc., but in my opinion there were options and I did want it to feet, but the ball wasnt forthcoming! Probably because you all think Im shit and I'd lose the ball. Probably true.
Anyhow, I wont be available until the 11th December now, you'll be pleased to hear. Im off to Wales, then Barcelona. Take your pic over which you would prefer...