Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The club, through the Berks & Bucks, gets public liability insurance, but I don't think that's much use to us as individuals if we hurt ourselves. I think it's more if we have a shot and it hits someone behind the goal in the eye (just thinking of Dave Lewis' shooting) and they try to sue us for it.

As for personal injury insurance, we don't get any through the league and we don't have anything as a club - I don't know of any clubs who do, it's just one of those things. Probably most guys when something like this happens suddenly realise the risk, but then if you fall down some steps on a night out and break your ankle you're in the same position (literally). Depending on what you do for a job and what you get in terms of sick pay considering how long you might be off work for a broken leg, it might be worth everyone considering either:-

a) getting insurance as a club - however this would involve everyone making regular payments and the stuff I've ever seen from people who supply this look like complete sharks who would jump at the chance to think of reasons why this particular accident doesn't come under their cover...

or b) getting personal insurance, which I believe Smurf has because of what happened when he broke his arm at work and realised what missing work actually means to someone in his profession. I would think all the main insurance companies provide something like this, so it's fairly easy to get a quote and set up cover, I have no idea of the likely costs.