So what do you think the score's gonna be on Sunday then? General bewilderment sweeping through the Utd squad, Fergie trying every possible squad combination to see if they can snap out of it (Ruud in goal on Sunday I heard) and Arsenal bound to pick up a crucial injury tonight against Panathanakosathanaikokaikos.
My early hunch of a 3-0 away win is being tempered by the fact that although it's Arsenal, it's also still Utd, who might be a bunch of mugs, but are nobody's fools, if you can see the difference.
But it's Rooney's 19th birthday, the ugly little sh*t and he likes the big games and he likes notching against Arsenal, so who can say?
I'm going to hold my prediction til just before kick off to see what mood everyone's in on the day.