Right then you need to rest it properly, no friendlies (done) but no training either, proper rest. And proper 'rest' rest, not just 'no sport' rest. Otherwise this will drag on forever. How was that massage lady or haven't you been yet?
No dancing at Liquid, no fighting outside Liquid, no running, no going up stairs two at a time, sort your chair out and sit properly at your desk, lie on the floor to watch telly, sleep on your back not curled up on your side, no bedroom gymnastics at all. Massages, hot baths, deep heat and ibuprofen rub. 3 weeks of that, you'll be bored, but getting better. You'll be unfit, but you were unfit before and caught up pretty damn quickly, so you don't need to worry about being unfit.
When my back was bad I realised (a long time into it) that one of the main things that was doing it in was the way I was sitting at work. Took a bit of time to get out of the habit and find a new sitting position, but it seemed to help a lot.