That link don't work. And I mean "My goal has to win, my goal has to win, my goal has to win, my goal has to win, my goal has to win, my goal has to win..."
Looks like it's just me on me lonesome then all the way up north, with constant txt messages saying "I'm already here" and "I'm on my 4th pint already" and "where are you? we're all here already..." and so on. Bastards. Will be leaving Southampton at about 1pm, so will expect to get to Blackpool sometime around 10pm...
Anyone seen the Saddam Rock Paper Scissors thing? Funny as...
Bring it on Blackpool. Oh yeah, coupla things - Blackpool is one of the areas highlighted for the 'Anti-social Behaviour Charter' meaning the police have the power to split up groups of people and slap on-the-spot fines on you in the street (don't think these are like parking fines where they physically stick them to you). The other thing is that Janet from the Gynway says she doesn't want any damage to the hotel this year as they're in the middle of selling it - so as we're all a year older and wiser, except John Sills, let's try and be a little more mature while we're in the B&B, cos we'll be too pissed to care later...