I've not been told of anyone not resigning yet, but I haven't handed out the forms yet either... Just Craig new this year I think, but then I'm not really looking for anyone new either so that suits as we've lost Rob and I don't know what John Lamb's plans are - with all the best intentions in the world it's a big ask for him to come along every Sunday, but at the same time I can't imagine the league's in Bristol will be the best in the country either - I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.
I'm tempted to plump for a curry house in Newbury, maybe even back to the Elora for old time's sake, but eating early so we still have a good part of the night ahead of us. Only trouble is, it was quite nice having that room to ourselves last year - I don't know any of the curry houses in Newbury that can do that for us - any ideas???