Monday, December 08, 2003
I think that should mean that we're definitely in 4th position now, which is bloody excellent lads really, we're really doing ourselves proud at the moment and it's great to have regained the momentum we built up last season despite a tough start to the campaign. I quite like the training indoors cos we do just the right amount of pure fitness work and then leave the rest of the fitness to the fact that we play about an hour of two-touch five-a-side footy, which is enough to knacker anyone out, except Crabbeman and John Sills. Be nice to have an easy game again though, a PO Reserves or a Mobile Streams, just for old time's sake. But there you go, you suffer for your arts, we're in Div 1 they're not. And maybe Hermitage won't be coming up this year either, that's gotta sting. Thank fuck we got the top spot when we did. Bet that Vic French Cup don't look so shiny anymore...