I shouldn't imagine they'd think that it was newsworthy enough to make any more of than they already have. I think the break in the competition has done nothing for our enthusiasm though - if we went out now I wouldn't be particularly gutted, especially now we've started winning actual games instead.
Did they mention Smurf's wedding at all? If not they're a miserable bunch of bastards and I listen to 2TenFM. We'll get the Black Thunders down to a game and shove it up Nemone's arse.
I think you're right, I think on another day we'd have killed that game off, but that's two games in a row we've said that now, so maybe we need more fitness so we're a little sharper???
Just seems a shame to use the hour in the hall for much more than footy. TVS next Sunday anyway. Who other than Smurf is not available?