Yes: "Mr Sills, you were found cowering behind a bin after the murder shouting 'I just want my mummy', did you see anything that could possibly help us in this case?"
We're not blaming you Matt, far from it. You actually scored a goal to remind us that we were actually playing bloody well for most of the game. And you nutmegged their supposed best player twice in the space of a minute.
(and it was 1-1 when I brought you on)
Browny - Poll Dancing is a completely different style of entertainment, that's where top politicians morris dance outside by-elections in rural areas in an attempt to bias the voting populous. You can go judge that if you like, I'm watching Nemone get her kit off.
We had a chat on Sunday Matty, she was going through the photo asking who was who and stuff, I think if we can start to get her involved with the characters in the team then that's what she's looking for. I'll find out what's needed this week, heard nothing yet...