What was all that about Atkins? Are you just destressing - letting off steam after you took so long over scoring your goal on Sunday that it used up all the time we had left to score the other 5 we needed to get a point? Selfish fooker.
Nothing from Radio 1 yet, however I have pulled off a bit of a masterstroke. Then after I cleaned up I had a really good idea - on Nemone's website she says that the girlies have booked up pole-dancing lessons as part of a 'get fit' (?) campaign and training for her athletics challenge. So I've emailed her saying that Shefford FC are willing to participate as a panel of expert judges to judge who's best after they've finished their lessons...
Haven't heard anything back yet.
And on that theme, here is a genuine news article which I think we should consider carefully before consulting Shefford FC's lawyer (Megan) and approaching that paintball company...
LONDON, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- A London company has gone to the government to
complain about the size and age of a stripper they booked for a party, the
London Sun said Monday.
The problem began when B and G Cleaning Systems decided to surprise service
manager Steve Pantony with an office "strip-o-gram" for his 40th birthday.
After searching the Internet, they settled on the Beechline agency and
requested a "slim attractive girl" to appear and strip at a phony business
meeting for $150.
Instead, a 250-pound middle-aged woman named Toni appeared dressed as a
policewoman. She ended her 20 minute show by baring her breasts and spanking
"It's put me off women for life. I've been getting flashbacks ever since,"
Pantony said.
The group was so incensed they contacted lawyers, who believe they have a case
of "misrepresentation" under the Supply of Goods and Services Act of 1982.