What are you on abpout Browny?! Crabbeman told me you had been sprouting rubbish during the game! We werent that bad at all (59% possession, 7 shots on target to their 5, 9 shots off target to their 4, 15 corners, post and the bar hit!). We were unlucky that the first goal fell into his path, and the second goal was a freak. Apart from that we were good, except for Pires. Most of the match was without Vieira and Ljungberg as well, Parlour has only started 3 of our last 18 European matches for gawd sakes! ve a sudden feeling of confidence that we will get through. If we had rolled over like we had been shot by a blackford thunderbullet then things would be different, but we played with a lot of heart. Victories against Kiev and Locomotive and a point away in the San Siro should see us through. Have faith...
As for Radio One, we should definatly tell them the truth, they wont want a team who always wins (us last year) and they wont want a team who always loses (PO Reserves), so a mixed bunch will be good, especially if you explain it that we have been treated unfairly by the league for one, and played the best team twice as well. She'll love it. Slag.