Well, Nottingham is about an hour's drive away from there, so we could go to Nottingham on the Friday night and then do Alton Towers on the Saturday day, then either back to Nottingham or somewhere else on the Saturday night, then back for a game on the Sunday morning cos the league are such a bunch of fucking knobheads that they don't know their arses from their elbows and they cancel games and then go all quiet and hide behind their decision cos they're all led by one big knobhead who can't even read or write but has the biggest fucking moustach of the lot of them so that gives him all-consuming power cos of their weedy little moustaches that don't even poke out beyond the edge of their lips cos they've got limp lips cos of the fact that they spend their time in meetings pursing them and going "ooh I know" when the big much moustachio one says "Oi fink we shud fine Shefford" even though he calls us fucking Swan FC when he writes to us to say that "Oi'm not gonna do yur pich no more cos you don't love meeee and oi caaan't read the invoices anyhow" the fucking gimp with the big moustache that he thinks is sooooo clever ooo look at me with my moustache I can swing from trees with it and jump up in the air and not come down for an hour cos it's a fucking big parachute moustache cos I caaaan't read.
So what's everyone's thoughts on Nottingham then?