Proping up the table again atkins!!
Smurfy's had a blinder this last month, this time last month he was bottom. Im coming for you lewis!! You were 80 points clear last month!!
1 Hit and Hope David Lewis 334
2 HELLO MOTO !! Adam Davies 313
3 Lewie's Lady Boys Gareth Lewis 305
4 Smurf's Select Steve Taylor 304
5 Killer Woods Mike Wood 296
6 Bean Houllier's XI Andrew Moore 288
7 The Monkey Boys Paul Green 284
8 LEAH'S LUCKY DIP Leah Barlow 270
9 Top The Lot!!! Stuart Alderton 269
10 Hoof it like PARKY Anthony Ilsley 267
11 Scotland in Europe!Jenny Cairns 250
12 Shed End Blues Jenna 249
13 Rusty Balls Matt Atkins 241