I can understand why some people would like Kill Bill - it's cos they're thick. I just thought "fair enough I know it's not meant to be realistic or anything" but the black woman was supposed to be a deadly assassin and missed her with a gun from a whole 2 metres away. Whoops, what a time for that to happen. Then the rest of the film was taken up with 50% people fighting with swords and 50% them looking at their swords and going oooh. I think he was trying to recreate an old martial arts movie and he succeeded. Trouble is we've moved on 40 years now and that's not good enough anymore. It was far too slow and too self indulgent - it's like he sat down and thought "how many places can I think of where a sword fight would look cool" and then got a budget. At the end when they went out into the snow (even though there had been no snow anywhere around the town before) and started fighting I thought "fuck me! a sword fight - where'd he think that up?" and before they started fighting they both looked at their swords and went oooh. Sorry, just thought Tarantino can do a hell of a lot better than that.
Tell Cat not to get too used to having our results read out on the radio. Though we might push for our own screen on Soccer Saturday as they scroll through all the leagues. They have Scottish Div 3 so we can't be far off.
No idea about the radio this week, don't tend to find out til Wednesday or Thursday, unless it needs some planning. In terms of while I'm away, I had thought of Matt but he's obviously completely not keen to do it. So if someone has a suggestion of someone to take over, speak now - they need to be easily contactable by email and mobile and able to get in touch with the footy team quickly.