So suddenly Im involved in all sorts of bets am I? Ok, Im quite happy to be in the assist game, but we have to confirm what counts as an assist. I mean, if I shot and it hits matts arse (quite likely) and falls to dave who whacks it as hard as he can and it happens to hit the net, who gets the assist?
I wont have a bet about scoring this year matt, as I feel that last year the pressure of the bet clearly got to me against Monument. (Thats what we agreed I was going to say wasnt it? I mean, we are still not mentioning the fact you bribed me to miss to make you look good?).
How about a bet on who wins the most murder runs?
Nice to have you on here Smurf, finally someone to talk some sense, even if you havent found the Caps button yet.
You may be having a drink with the EA boys boss, but I could well be off to NY, although some guy called zzkryton or something like that looks threatening.
Saw David Blaine in London yesterday. A guy in a box waving. It will be better to see him in 40 days time when he is almost dead.
And as for the Essex Boy t-shirts, women have requested that we wear them so that if they want a great shag, they can easily identify us from you soft Berkshire boys.
Working on Sharpness is a good plan, but I have no idea where this new place is. But then I dont need to know, as I dont drive to training.