Im pleased for you Smurfy!!
I thought we played pretty well last night, we created a hell of a lot of chances which is unlike England, and we could have scored a hell of a lot more had Owen not missed the open goal, or the bar got in the way. (Incidentally, we all put £1 in the pot on first scorer, and I had Owen. To say I wasn't happy when he missed would be an understatement. I was considering writing to him to get the money, but then he scored first anyway so I was happy again, especially as the pot had risen to £6 + 2 botles of Bud...)
I would probably go with Owen and Beattie up front again with Rooney behind them against Turkey, as I think Rooney played better in Scholes role than Scholes has been doing of late. The Turks will still be scared of Roonaldo after the last match, and Breattie looked strong throughout. W only need a drwaw though so I would stick with Bridge instead of Cole, and keep Gerrard, Beckham, and Butt/Hargreaves as the defensive 3 of the Diamond. And I would be on the bench.
See you all tonight, except for Neil of course. Sorry to hear about your illness mate, sounds horrible, I hope I never catch it, though I hear it is very contageous...