I thought I was gunna be sick after the first exercise last night, I think I just had to wait for the KFC mega bucket to settle. Then the same feeling came on after the second exercise, but then I realise I was stood to close to Paul and his aftershave.
I enjoyed it last night as well, it's a lot more fun when theres a variety and like you said that benefits us more than a match, I pick up less injuries because Genghis can't hoof me. And I beat Jonny S running around the circle.
Fitness isn't a problem within our team but we still need to maintain it, otherwise were just get lazy. If we could bring a few players fitness/sharpness up to my level, I think we'll have a winning formula on our hands, so extra exercises for Dave C, John S, Neil and Genghis is a fair shout I think....
We'll even let you join in next week if you like Shane? (If your not out with your computer buddies discussing tactics on how to bed your neighbors on The Sims!)