I have a mate who plays for Kennet and Thatcham, so he played against them last season in the Prem Div. Plus I've watched a few Prem games and I've always been surprised at how lazy the teams seem, so if we really take the game to them then like you say they're organisation goes up the spout and we drag them down to our level, which we've been playing for longer, so that makes us favourites.
Getting them bitching at each other is a good move, we should play the divide and conquer tactic that worked against Room 3 in Blackpool. If you're defending and you win the ball against an attacker, as you walk back up to the halfway line I wanna hear things like "dunno how he ever expected you to get to a ball like that..." and "christ you're patient, if I played a ball like that to one of our strikers I reckon he'd have a right pop at me..." And the midfielders need to be telling their midfielders "you'd at least expect the strikers to put a bit of effort into getting to a pass eh..?" and we'll have em fighting each other by full time.
"You're keeper just told me you're a poof..."