Couldnt be bothered to read all that had been written on here today, so Ill just write some nonsense.
Matty...I do still need some email addresses, but I think this guy (who I am now 30-all with) will just always get one more than me. If you got the addresses, Ill take them though, If I add them tomorrow, Ill need you to sign up qucikly, it finishes friday.
Arsenal - 6 players charged, and the club, and Wenger. I feel I should do what all the MP's are worried about and copy my idols. TVS better watch out on Sunday...
Got my haircut today, and had 2 sandwiches for lunch. Those wishing to know what was in my sandwiches can subscribe for just £3 per month to JohnSillsWorld PLUS!! A new service offered by myself to allow true fans to get in close with me. A recent free trial in an Essex club proved very successful.
Off out for a drink with Cat, John Lamb and Megan now. Crazy.